Monday, 16 September 2013

College Magazine Questionaire

College Magazine Questionnaire

1)        How Old Are You?

·         10-12
·         13-15
·         16-18
·         19+
·         Don’t Want To Specify

2)        Which Magazine Type Appeals To You The Most?

·         Film & TV
·         Music
·         Gaming
·         Fashion
·         Sport
·         Other (Please Specify)

3)       What Release Schedule Appeals To You The Most?

·         Weekly
·         Bi-Weekly
·         Monthly
·         Bi-Monthly
·         Yearly
·         Other

4)       Would You Be Interested In There Being Competitions?

·         Yes
·         No
·         Don’t Know/Don’t Care

5)       Should There Be Advertisements For Upcoming Events Such As Gigs?

·         Yes
·         No
·         Don’t Know/Don’t Care

6)       Would You Be Interested In There Being A Letters Page?

·         Yes
·         No
·         Don’t Know/Don’t Care

7)       What Would You Be Willing To Pay For The Magazine?

·         25p – 50p
·         51p - £1
·         £1.01 - £2
·         £2.01 - £3.00
·         £3.01 +

8)       Should The Magazine Be Exclusively Sold At City College Or Can It Be Available In Newsagents?

·         Yes
·         No
·         Don’t Know/Don’t Care

9)       Should There Be Translated Versions Of This Magazine Into Other Languages?

·         Yes
·         No
·         Don’t Know/Don’t Care

10)   What Gender Are You?

·         Male
·         Female
·         Other

·         Don’t Want To Specify

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Definition Of A Magazine

A magazine is a collection of pages that are bound together that contain pictures, text and advertisements and are usually on sale weekly/monthly/bi-monthly etc.  There are various kinds of magazines to suite different peoples needs such as film magazines, music magazines and gaming magazines.

Monday, 9 September 2013

This TV spot was created by Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures to promote and advertise the release of the film titled Man Of Steel. 
The creative techniques used are eerie music, short visual scenes that are shot using a muted colour scheme and an individual asking questions in a soft but masculine voice. 
This message could be interpreted as a man being compared to a god like creature.  It starts off with the image of a man floating in water lit in such a way that all you see is a silhouette of a man in a Christ like position and the viewer sees it from below which adds to the effect that he is almost floating above us like a god.  The next shot is one of a full face which reflects innocence and honesty as his face is not hidden and he is opening his eyes to us.  It then moves to a shot of the character in a white top which symbolises virginity which in turn shows cleanliness, purity and divinity.  These images all blend to make us believe that perhaps he is a god like individual.  The trailer shows that he is impervious to the forces of evil which are symbolised by fire and other forms of destruction.  This adds to his god like status where he is incorruptible because it shows him overcoming these forces.
The music score composed by Hans Zimmer starts slowly and softly and sounds similar to a choir in a church which makes it seem almost heavenly.  This adds to the imagery I have already described which shows a god like individual.  As the trailer progresses the music becomes more forceful with the crashing of cymbals, leading finally to a single drum beat which symbolises the end.  At the same time the character is asking questions of the audience in a voice which is not threatening but is smooth with a hint of vulnerability.  The audience will not have the answers to his questions unless they go to see the film.
The values represented are goodness, purity, self-reliance, resourcefulness and truth-seeking.  Towards the end of the clip of the trailer it shows the character being with a woman this represents a lifestyle of relationship and family.  The points of view shown in this clip are from the first person, the main character, who is narrating throughout.  However there is the religious point of view that is represented through the imagery and the musical score.
The message is being sent to entice members of the public to go and see the film.  They are being shown an individual who is vulnerable and who has questions about his purpose in this life but at the same time is being portrayed as an almost Christ like being.
Hi my name is Alex and I am currently attending City College to study Media AS Level.  I am doing Media because it seemed very appealing and it interested me a great deal.